Queen of the Black Coast - Title Page
- QUEEN OF THE BLACK COAST, TITLE PAGE - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears on the title page in my art folio based on the story by Robert E. Howard, "QUEEN OF THE BLACK COAST," published by Bortner and Kruse in 1976.
39 years have passed since I drew this picture of Conan in 1976, and still, this character created by Robert E. Howard way back in the 1930s for "Weird Tales" magazine, is popular today.
Incredible. When Howard wrote his Conan tales back then he had no idea how popular both he and his Conan stories would become in the future. His "rediscovery" began in 1950 when L. Sprague de Camp convinced publisher Martin Greenberg, of Gnome Press to publish an obscure pulp novel, "Conan the Conqueror" by Robert E. Howard. Imagine, 62 years later the reprinting of all of Howard's work is still going on.
Artists like myself have also taken advantage of Conan's popularity; beginning in the late 1960s the drawings that I made of Conan for fanzines alone provided enough income to sustain me during those early years when I began freelancing. So I owe thanks to Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Martin Greenberg.

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